Below is the performance of three reference Asset Allocation portfolios (Conservative, Moderate and Aggressive). All performance information is of the Portfolio Manager account, net of the current management fee.
Client account performance could differ. A client invested when a higher management fee applied experienced lower returns than displayed here.
This information was calculated up to Mar 24, 2025.
Performance, composition and volatility could vary significantly from that of the benchmark(s), which are provided for illustrative purposes only.
All costs shown are estimated and consist of the annual management fee applicable to the specific portfolio displayed. We compute the annual management fee applicable to your investments daily and charge it to you monthly in arrears or in conjunction with a withdrawal.
On a daily basis, the applicable fee associated with each portfolio you invest in will be applied to the end-of-day gross market value of your investment in that portfolio and the resulting amount will be divided by 365. At the end of each month, you will be charged a fee made up of the sum of all daily fees calculated during that month for each portfolio investment. The more assets you invest in a given portfolio with us, the higher the amount of the annual fee charged to you.
No trading commissions apply to trading in any of the portfolios due to the IBKR-LITE commissions structure we have selected for all of your clients. For portfolios including ETFs, additional expense ratios will need to be paid to the ETF issuer and they are not included in this calculation.
There are many reasons to consider our Asset Allocation portfolio:
An asset-based management fee of 0.20% with no trading commissions, entry or exit fees. Note that fees will be charged by the issuers for the ETFs that make up this portfolio.
Assets are combined to work better under all economic conditions.
Wider and granular range of asset classes for better diversification. Use of fractional shares of ETFs to ensure a low $100 minimum investment and the ability to customize.
Auto rebalancing every quarter to stay on track.
Ability to see positions and trades online at any time.
Make it your own - tilt the allocations to express your views. We provide guardrails to ensure you end up with a portfolio suitable for you.
Switch on TLH to allow us to harvest any losses while maintaining your allocation. Learn more.