We provide low-cost access to well-diversified portfolios using data from leading providers and a curated selection by investment managers with a mandate to pursue enhanced returns.
You can browse our portfolios by categories, or view a full list of all portfolios below. Here we highlight the 365-day performance. To see the performance over other time periods, click through to see the portfolio details and select the time period you are interested in on the performance chart.
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Managers on our platform may run one or more portfolio(s) that employ different strategies.
Interactive Advisors reviews each portfolio and assigns it a risk score. Clients can only invest in portfolios that have a risk score less than or equal to their own risk score. More information here.
Performance of the Portfolio Manager's account is calculated on a daily time-weighted basis. To see the performance over other time periods, click through to see the portfolio details. More information here.
Sharpe ratio
The Sharpe ratio combines the time weighted returns and volatility to provide a risk-adjusted measure of portfolio performance. More information here.
Min invest
A majority of our portfolios have an investment minimum as low as $100.
An asset-based management fee of 0.10% to 0.75% per year is charged on the investments that are made in your account. More information here.