Learn more / Smart Beta
Smart Beta portfolios
Smart Beta describes a set of rules-based investment strategies.
Smart beta image

Why Smart Beta?

The goal is to achieve an alternative risk-return profile which is more attractive than a simple capitalization-weighted index such as the S&P 500. Interactive Advisors offers a range of Smart Beta portfolios managed by our Chief Investment Officer and Investment Management team. There are many reasons to consider Interactive Advisors Smart Beta Portfolios:

Robust creation process image

Robust creation process

Constructed with thoroughly back-tested rules to avoid human biases of over- and under-reaction with the goal of achieving alpha.
Easy to buy image

Easy to buy

Buy and sell investments in these portfolios as easily as you buy and sell stocks.
Low fees image

Low fees

Low annual management fees. There are no trading commissions.
Fractional shares image

Fractional shares

Own a diversified basket of stocks for a low minimum investment of just $100.
Automatic rebalancing image

Automatic rebalancing

All portfolios are rebalanced automatically for you on a quarterly basis.

Smart Beta portfolio comparison

See how some key characteristics of investing in our Smart Beta Portfolios compare to buying shares of Exchange Traded Funds or active mutual funds, including funds that we believe have similar investment strategies. Examples presented below include ETFs and mutual funds that have significant assets under management, are liquid and have exposure to factors like dividends, value and growth.

Index ETFs Smart ETFs Active Mutual Funds Interactive Advisors
Active management N/A close check check


Alpha expectations N/A check check check
Portfolio transparency Disclose positions daily Disclose positions daily Disclose positions quarterly Real-time access to view positions
Trading and pricing Intra-day pricing Intra-day pricing Mutual fund shares priced once/day after the markets close. Intra-day pricing
Transaction costs Brokerage commissions Brokerage commissions Portfolio brokerage commissions No commissions
Risk of NAV trading May occur May occur No risk with open-end funds No risk
Liquidity/bid-ask spreads Depends on both compositions and trading volume of the underlying ETF Depends on both compositions and trading volume of the underlying ETF N/A Depends only on compositions, clients buying and selling any fractional shares from/to the liquidity provider
Customization close close close Interactive Advisors confirms that investing in one of these portfolios is appropriate for a client’s investment profile


These portfolios mainly invest in stocks and may not be suitable for all investors.

Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Be aware that you can lose all or part of your investments in these portfolios.

You can find additional information on the risks, conflicts of interest, applicable brokerage commissions, fractional shares, and limitations on investments and divestments associated with these portfolios (along with Interactive Advisors full disclosures) on the Forms and agreements page. Interactive Advisors Ltd. is an SEC-registered investment advisor.

Registration does not imply a certain level of skill or training. Brokerage services are provided to Interactive Advisors clients by affiliate Interactive Brokers LLC, an SEC-registered broker-dealer and member NYSE, FINRA and SIPC.