Socially responsible investing
Create a positive impact by aligning your investments with what you care about.
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How can I invest in...

How can I exclude companies that engage in practices I want to avoid?

Your preferences matter. Select from the various 'practices to avoid' below to exclude the stocks of companies that do not share your values or add single stock exclusions. They will apply to all your investments automatically. We have rigorous processes to manage the stocks in each of the practices to avoid and the investments that overlap with them.


One size does not fit all. Our technology ensures that your investments reflect your choices. Select practices to avoid to create customized portfolios uniquely suited to you. For example, build your own custom index by selecting your practices to avoid and investing in one of our index-like portfolios such as our Broad Market or Russell Technology portfolios.

Practices to avoid

Click on the icons to learn more.

What’s in a name?

In the industry, Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) is often used interchangeably with ESG investing, ethical investing, sustainable investing, green investing or impact investing. But it isn't always clear what this means for you or your investments.

We believe investors are catalysts for change in the behavior and the the companies they invest in. Our approach centers on investing in companies that operate businesses with socially desirable products and services as well as the incorporation of ESG factors into investment decision-making, thus incentivizing better practices from the companies.

We want to empower you to make more conscious investment decisions and we offer various easy, transparent and low cost ways for you to express your values.

Investopedia robo advisor award 2022 for socially responsible investing