Elite Wealth Management

Tactical ETF

Elite Wealth Management
Technical tradingActively trade index ETFs

The strategy uses technical trading indicators to actively trade index ETFs. The strategy is appropriate for investors that are looking to sidestep market downturns, while still participating in the upside.

Portfolio risk score
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ETFs / Funds

Management fee


Min investment


Performance Chart


Last 30 days -2.5%
Last 90 days 7.2%
Last 365 days 18.9%
Last 5 years 49.1%
Since inception (Feb 03, 2016) 111.6%
Since inception (annualized) 9.2%
2024 (YTD) 11.6%
2023 24.8%
2022 -25.2%
2021 24.3%
2020 9.6%
2019 19.5%
2018 -4.1%
2017 19.3%
The standard deviation of portfolio returns; a measure of risk.
Sharpe ratio
A measure of risk-adjusted portfolio return.
Sortino ratio
A measure of portfolio return adjusted for down-side volatility.
Maximum drawdown
Maximum value lost from peak to trough over the last year.
Value-at-risk (95%, 1 week)
Estimates the potential loss of a portfolio with a specified confidence level and time horizon.
Investment (below min)
Annual costs

Portfolio information


Our strategies and the algorithms we deploy are split between both a top-down and bottom-up approach to investing depending on the particular portfolio. Our investment team utilizes extensive resources to constantly monitor the investment and capital markets landscape around the clock to identify both fundamental and technical opportunities for clients.


Investment portfolios are professionally managed and monitored with a rigid due diligence process. Performance consistency is an absolute priority and risk adjusted returns are measured continuously. Investment portfolios are constructed and optimized to capitalize on market opportunities with an eye on risk mitigation. Our portfolios are continuously stress-tested and watched carefully by our investment team.

Sell discipline

Changes in a portfolio are determined by the investment team and the investment approach designated for each strategy.


For the more algorithmic strategies the investment team may subjectively override an algorithmic decision based on macroeconomic or other factors that the investment team believes the algorithm is not adequately taking into consideration.

Portfolio updates


Elite Wealth Management

Elite Wealth Management

Elite Wealth Management is a registered investment adviser headquartered in Kirkland, WA.

Our mission at Elite Wealth Management is twofold: to provide our clients with financial guidance based on their values and priorities, and to provide them the peace of mind and confidence to pursue their financial future – no matter what the markets or life may bring. Our capabilities are fully aligned to providing the best possible client service and communication along the way.

We have extensive experience managing the wealth of high net worth individuals and institutions, and are committed to delivering insightful, informed advice to help our clients achieve their financial goals.

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Past performance is no guarantee of future results, and all investments, including those in this portfolio, involve the risk of loss, including loss of principal and a reduction in earnings.

This portfolio was launched on Interactive Advisors on February 03, 2016, when clients were able to start investing in it. All performance information on this page is actual performance of the Portfolio Manager’s account and presented “net of fees”. The actual performance chart is provided for informational purposes only, and should not be used as the basis for making an investment decision. Actual client returns will differ. All Portfolio Manager information including personal data, profiles, and strategies has been provided by the Portfolio Manager. Interactive Advisors makes no representation or warranty of its accuracy, completeness or relevance and it does not represent the opinions of Interactive Advisors.

All performance information on this page is based on the performance of the Portfolio Manager’s account, using the manager’s own funds. Performance of the Portfolio Manager's account is calculated by Interactive Advisors on a daily time-weighted basis, including cash, dividends and earnings distributions and reflects the deduction of broker commissions (when commissions were charged). Manager returns include trades and positions that fail Interactive Advisors' trading rules, as a result, actual client returns will differ. Interactive Advisors’ advisory fees are simulated and applied retroactively to present the portfolio return “net-of-fees”.

In addition to Interactive Advisors’ management fees, clients will also be charged management fees and other expenses (custodian fees, brokerage commissions, and legal and accounting fees) by ETF issuers if the portfolio contains ETFs.