The Global X Equity Thematic Disruptors ETF Model Portfolio is a growth-focused equity allocation portfolio using Global X and third-party ETFs.
All performance information is of the Portfolio Manager account, net of management fees.
All performance information is of the Portfolio Manager account net of management fees, and not of any investing client accounts.
Actual client returns will differ based on client-specified security exclusions, client cash flow behavior (investments and divestments), and trading restrictions placed on client accounts by brokerage.
The management fees applicable to Interactive Advisors proprietary portfolios are actually charged to
the Interactive Advisors accounts managing those portfolios, whereas the management fees applicable to
Portfolio Manager portfolios are applied retroactively as simulated fees to the Portfolio Manager account returns (as
Interactive Advisors does not manage or control these accounts) for purposes of this net-of-fees performance presentation only.
Performance, composition and volatility could vary significantly from that of the benchmark(s), which are
provided for illustrative purposes only.
This information was calculated up to Sep 18, 2024.
The performance table shows the returns over various time periods, including the time periods that are clickable on the chart, calendar years and also the Since inception (annualized) performance which is the year over year growth rate of portfolio asset value.
Last 30 days | 1.5% |
Last 90 days | 3.2% |
Last 365 days | 13.1% |
Last 5 years | 23.3% |
Since inception (Jun 21, 2019) | 23.7% |
Since inception (annualized) | 4.1% |
2024 (YTD) | 1.4% |
2023 | 23.3% |
2022 | -39.2% |
2021 | -4.5% |
2020 | 58.4% |
The risk metrics table is only present for portfolios with more than a 365 day track record which is needed to meaningfully compute the summary risk metrics.
You can learn more here.
The standard deviation of portfolio returns; a measure of risk. |
18.7% |
Sharpe ratio
A measure of risk-adjusted portfolio return. |
0.46 |
Sortino ratio
A measure of portfolio return adjusted for down-side volatility. |
0.69 |
Maximum drawdown
Maximum value lost from peak to trough over the last year. |
-11.6% |
Value-at-risk (95%, 1 week)
Estimates the potential loss of a portfolio with a specified confidence level and time horizon. |
-4.3% |
All costs shown are estimated and consist of the annual management fee applicable to the specific portfolio displayed. We compute the annual management fee applicable to your investments daily and charge it to you monthly in arrears or in conjunction with a withdrawal.
On a daily basis, the applicable fee associated with each portfolio you invest in will be applied to the end-of-day gross market value of your investment in that portfolio and the resulting amount will be divided by 365. At the end of each month, you will be charged a fee made up of the sum of all daily fees calculated during that month for each portfolio investment. The more assets you invest in a given portfolio with us, the higher the amount of the annual fee charged to you.
No trading commissions apply to trading in any of the portfolios due to the IBKR-LITE commissions structure we have selected for all of your clients. For portfolios including ETFs, additional expense ratios will need to be paid to the ETF issuer and they are not included in this calculation.
The ETFs utilized are chosen to target structural themes that may be disrupting various segments and sectors in the broad market. The portfolio is constructed around these three key features:
Trading decisions in this portfolio are based exclusively upon the quarterly rebalance data provided by Global X.
Founded in 2008, Global X Management Company LLC (Global X) is a sponsor of exchange traded funds (ETFs).
Global X is known for its Thematic Growth, Income, and International Access ETFs.
Past performance is no guarantee of future results, and all investments, including those in this portfolio, involve the risk of loss, including loss of principal and a reduction in earnings.
This portfolio was launched on Interactive Advisors on June 21, 2019 and opened to client investments on July 03, 2019. Interactive Advisors constructs and manages this portfolio on a discretionary basis using a model ETF portfolio provided under a licensing agreement by Global X Management Company LLC (“Global X”). All performance information on this page is actual performance of the Interactive Advisors proprietary account and presented “net of fees”. The actual performance chart is provided for informational purposes only, and should not be used as the basis for making an investment decision. Actual client returns will differ.
This portfolio is not in any way recommended to Interactive Advisors clients by Global X. Global X does not provide any investment advice or recommendation in relation to this portfolio and is not acting as an investment adviser or fiduciary to Interactive Advisors clients. Global X has built the model portfolios without regard to the individual financial circumstances and objectives of any investor or Interactive Advisors client.
This portfolio is made up of whole and/or fractional holdings of Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). The portfolio itself is not an ETF or Mutual Fund. Clients choosing to invest in this portfolio directly own the ETF shares making up the portfolio. In addition to Interactive Advisors’ management fees, clients will also be charged management fees and other expenses (custodian fees, brokerage commissions, and legal and accounting fees) by the ETF issuers.
Additional information on the risks, conflicts of interest, applicable brokerage commissions, fractional shares, and limitations on investments and divestments associated with this portfolio can be found here and on the Forms and Agreements page.