Lakeland Wealth Management

Long Term Value

Lakeland Wealth Management
Long termCompetitive advantage

Our long-term value portfolio invests in the firms that have the competitive advantage in their market segments with the potential to grow for the long term. We hold most of our equities for the long term as long as they are reasonably valued and have ample margin of safety. We focus on capital preservation and consistently look for growth opportunities.

Portfolio risk score
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Management fee


Min investment


Performance Chart


Last 30 days -0.8%
Last 90 days -5.4%
Last 365 days 16.6%
Last 5 years 140.0%
Since inception (Mar 15, 2019) 161.3%
Since inception (annualized) 19.0%
2024 (YTD) 15.8%
2023 31.4%
2022 -10.2%
2021 31.0%
2020 21.6%
The standard deviation of portfolio returns; a measure of risk.
Sharpe ratio
A measure of risk-adjusted portfolio return.
Sortino ratio
A measure of portfolio return adjusted for down-side volatility.
Maximum drawdown
Maximum value lost from peak to trough over the last year.
Value-at-risk (95%, 1 week)
Estimates the potential loss of a portfolio with a specified confidence level and time horizon.
Investment (below min)
Annual costs

Portfolio information


We hand pick all the equities in our portfolio through independent analysis of company annual statements including balance sheets, income statements, and free cash flow analysis from publicly available data sources, such as the SEC Edgar database, and by participating in corporate conference calls.


We follow the Buffett-Graham value investment philosophy while analyzing equities. All our long-term holding firms must be transparent with investors; market leaders with pricing power. Occasionally, we do take advantage of arbitrage opportunities if we perceive there is greater upside potential with minimum risk.

Sell discipline

We sell some of our holdings if we perceive the valuation has reached the upper end of the value zone. We will hold certain equities for more prolonged periods of time if we have faith in the business model and the corporate leadership.


We may lever up if the yield generated is a lot more than the cost of the capital or to take advantage of market anomalies.

Portfolio updates


Lakeland Wealth Management

Lakeland Wealth Management

Lakeland Wealth Management LLC is fee-based registered investment advisory firm based in Lakeland, TN offering money management and financial planning services to families, institutions and high net worth individuals. Lakeland Wealth Management adopts fundamental value analysis and tailors the portfolios to fit individual needs, risks and time horizons.

Sreeni Meka,CFA is the managing member and investment advisor at Lakeland Wealth Management LLC. Sreeni has twenty-eight years of investment experience in the equities and derivatives markets. Sreeni has worked as a management consultant for big four firms and served at a number of Fortune 500 companies in North America. Sreeni holds a Masters degree in Mechanical Engineering from The University of Texas at El Paso, an MBA degree in Finance from University of Memphis and He is a Certified Financial Planner™ and a CFA charter holder.

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Past performance is no guarantee of future results, and all investments, including those in this portfolio, involve the risk of loss, including loss of principal and a reduction in earnings.

This portfolio was launched on Interactive Advisors on March 15, 2019, when clients were able to start investing in it. All performance information on this page is actual performance of the Portfolio Manager’s account and presented “net of fees”. The actual performance chart is provided for informational purposes only, and should not be used as the basis for making an investment decision. Actual client returns will differ. All Portfolio Manager information including personal data, profiles, and strategies has been provided by the Portfolio Manager. Interactive Advisors makes no representation or warranty of its accuracy, completeness or relevance and it does not represent the opinions of Interactive Advisors.

All performance information on this page is based on the performance of the Portfolio Manager’s account, using the manager’s own funds. Performance of the Portfolio Manager's account is calculated by Interactive Advisors on a daily time-weighted basis, including cash, dividends and earnings distributions and reflects the deduction of broker commissions (when commissions were charged). Manager returns include trades and positions that fail Interactive Advisors' trading rules, as a result, actual client returns will differ. Interactive Advisors’ advisory fees are simulated and applied retroactively to present the portfolio return “net-of-fees”.

In addition to Interactive Advisors’ management fees, clients will also be charged management fees and other expenses (custodian fees, brokerage commissions, and legal and accounting fees) by ETF issuers if the portfolio contains ETFs.