Interactive Advisors provides low-cost access to a wide-range of portfolios that differ in the strategies they employ to pursue returns. You can opt to have us recommend a portfolio for you, or pick on your own from our full selection, or do both. We also offer several diversified multi-asset portfolios that are dialed up or down for risk.
Understanding our offerings
How involved do I need to be to make a choice?
cancelWhat products are offered?
cancelWho manages the portfolios?
cancelHow are these portfolios rebalanced or traded?
cancelUnderstanding Asset Allocation
What is the Asset Allocation portfolio?
cancelWho manages the portfolio?
cancelHow do you create the right Asset Allocation portfolio for me?
cancelWhat does it mean to customize my Asset Allocation investment?
cancelHow does the ESG focus feature work?
cancelUnderstanding tax-loss harvesting (TLH)
What is tax-loss harvesting?
cancelHow does tax-loss harvesting work?
cancelWhat types of accounts qualify for tax-loss harvesting?
cancelHow do you enable tax-loss harvesting?
cancelHow do we select alternate ETFs?
cancelWhat are the tax filing considerations?
cancelHow does TLH impact tax liability?
cancelHow frequently are losses harvested?
cancelIs TLH automatic?
cancelWhy should I participate in the TLH program?
cancelWorking with fractional shares
What is a ‘fractional share’?
cancelWhy are fractional shares useful?
cancelCan fractional shares be traded on public exchanges?
cancelHow can I trade fractional shares in my Interactive Advisors account?
cancelIs there anything else I should know about the fractional share trades in my Interactive Advisors account?
cancelHow do corporate actions work for fractional shares?
cancelHow do I liquidate my holdings when I own fractional shares?
cancelWhat will happen to the fractional shares if I want to transfer my investment to another broker?